Fallen Christians, Perfect God

Why the Existence of Hypocrites Doesn’t Falsify Christianity

“How can Christianity be true when it’s caused so much harm?” “I don’t believe in God because Christians are hypocritical.” Perhaps you’ve encountered these objections, or perhaps you’ve made them. It’s understandable that someone would move away from Christianity because of Christians who don’t live up to it. But logically it doesn’t follow that because Christians have caused harm, Christianity itself is therefore false.

Acknowledge Harm

At the outset, let me recognize the harm. John Dickson catalogues some of the evil Christians have done in the name of Christianity in his book Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good...


PhD, is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at Oklahoma Baptist University. He’s passionate about mentoring Christians in the life of the mind.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #70, Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo | www.salvomag.com https://salvomag.com/article/salvo70/fallen-christians-perfect-god
